Global journal of Business and Integral Security <p><img src="" alt="" width="200" height="283" /></p> <h2>About the Journal</h2> <p>Global Journal of Business and Integral Security - GBIS (ISSN 2673-9690 Online) is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access journal published by the Swiss School of Business and Management (SSBM Geneva) and the University of Applied Sciences in Security and Safety.</p> <p>GBIS aims to provide a valuable outlet for research and scholarship on management-orientated themes and topics. It publishes articles of of multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary nature as well as empirical research from traditional and managerial functions. With contributions from around the globe, the journal includes articles across the full range of business, management and integral security disciplines.</p> <p>The journal covers topics in the areas of business, management, finance, corporate governance, corporate security, health security, environmental safety, human resource management, marketing, organizational behavior, organization theory, strategy, technology management, and related areas. </p> <p><strong>Aims</strong></p> <p>The aim of GBIS is to provide a platform where academics and practitioners can present their research in the fields of business, management and integral security. The journal will provide new methods and methodologies for analysis, integration and implementation of business, management and integral security.</p> <h4>Focus and Scope</h4> <p>The journal aims to provide an outlet for research and scholarship on management-related themes and topics. With contributions from around the globe, the journal includes empirical, conceptual and methodological articles across the full range of business and management disciplines, including:</p> <ul> <li>Accounting and Finance</li> <li>Business Economics</li> <li>Business Ethics</li> <li>Corporate Governance</li> <li>Environmental Health and Safety</li> <li>Entrepreneurship &amp; SME managemen</li> <li>General Management</li> <li>Human Resource Management</li> <li>Integral and corporate security </li> <li>Knowledge Management</li> <li>Management Development</li> <li>Marketing</li> <li>Operations Management</li> <li>Organization Theory</li> <li>Organizational Behaviour</li> <li>Public Sector Management</li> <li>R&amp;D Management</li> <li>Research Methods</li> <li>Strategic Management</li> <li>Technology Management</li> </ul> <p>Other themes associated to the above or emerging topics will also be considered. </p> <p>All papers submitted to GBIS are submitted to double-blind peer review. </p> <p><strong>Indexed and Abstracted Information</strong></p> <ul> <li>Academic Journals Database</li> <li>COPAC</li> <li>Electronic Journals Library</li> <li>Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek (EZB)</li> <li>Google Scholar</li> <li>JournalTOCs</li> <li>Ulrich's</li> <li>Universe Digital Library</li> <li>WorldCat</li> <li>ZBW-German National Library of Economics</li> </ul> en-US (GBIS Journal) (GBIS Technical Support) Tue, 28 May 2024 07:19:20 -0700 OJS 60 Business Processes of Indian Vaccine Manufacturers <p>The vaccine industry, or vaccine manufacturing, is a highly sophisticated and niche area in the field of biopharmaceuticals or biotechnology, which forms part of the pharmaceutical industry. Biopharma is defined as "any pharmaceutical product derived from biological sources, especially one produced by biotechnology.‖ The vaccine segment is one of the most important parts of the Biopharma offering, with a high emphasis on the preventive management of diseases. Unlike the pharmaceutical industry, the vaccine industry is highly regulated, highly capital-intensive, and requires sophisticated manufacturing facilities to manage biological materials and standardize output as per regulatory norms. Strength in advanced research and research platforms in the field of vaccines and biotechnology gives the manufacturer an edge in the industry. India is one of the highest-quality and lowest-cost manufacturers of vaccines in the world, accounting for more than 60% of the world‘s requirements. Although vaccine manufacturing facilities require equipment to manage viruses, bacteria, and other microorganisms, the industry has specialized fields in human and animal (veterinary) vaccines. Indian vaccine manufacturers have grown over time to do active research, introduce newer vaccines, and design manufacturing facilities based on technology. Such new vaccines give an advantage to the manufacturers as first movers to gain premium in the retail market, and later, when the product finds more manufacturers or is adopted by state-run programs, the premium advantage of the vaccine ceases to exist. Vaccines manufactured in India are low-cost in nature, and UNICEF usually ropes in these manufacturers for worldwide supplies to reduce the cost of procurement of vaccines. The Indian vaccine industry has always been a subset of the pharmaceutical industry, and hence, business processes and other methods of evaluation of the vaccine industry in India have always followed the pharmaceutical business template. Hence, this research aimed to examine the vaccine industry and its business processes. Further, this research is to explore the attributes that are related to the pharmaceutical and vaccine business processes. This is an exploratory and explanatory study to accomplish the research objectives by exploring insights in the Indian vaccine industry. Research studies include publications (research studies, paper publications, news, and articles), magazines, questionnaires (Google Forms) for important personnel in the industry, personal discussions, data from profit and loss statements, balance sheets of companies, progress of select companies through historical data, progress of technology, business model evaluation, existing literature, and both qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the Indian vaccine industry. Out of the total estimated 32 vaccine manufacturing companies, about nine are state-run companies, and hence 25% of the samples were drawn from the remaining twenty-three companies. Seven companies responded, which include two multinational companies and one PSU, in line with the research design and proposal.&nbsp;</p> <p>Collected data, key information, and patterns were analysed. Research produced key findings through various questionnaires and analyses related to the objectives. 1. The inherent factors that influence the vaccine business and business models are unlike the pharma business model. 2. practices in the industry to sustain business models and identify the customer selection compulsions of the manufacturer. 3. Classification of the vaccine industry is also vital, given the diversified nature of variables and 4. Parameters set by rating agencies such as CRISIL for each company based on their in- house metrics However, due to inherent risks and long lead times in delivering vaccines, rating agencies should find additional parameters to set ratings and suggest ratings for the vaccine industry other than the conventional ones. The key inferences or conclusions drawn from this research imply the stark differences between the vaccine industry operated in India and the selection of customers, which cannot be compared with pharmaceutical industry models. Consequently, the research findings and recommendations will help further refine the new classifications, rating systems, and evaluation systems for the vaccine industry in India.&nbsp;</p> Nyayapati Sunil Narayana Bhargava Copyright (c) 2024 Nyayapati Sunil Narayana Bhargava Mon, 22 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0700 Mitigating Occupational Fraud: An Analysis of Fraudulent Actions, Opportunities, and Red Flags <p>This dissertation delves into the dynamic nature of employee fraud in organizations and proposes strategies for prevention and detection. The study aims to address the question: How can organizations minimize employee fraud? Objectives include understanding fraud methods, identifying exploited weaknesses, and detecting early warning signs. This study features a qualitative approach based on content analysis of expert interviews discussing 157 real fraud conviction cases from the U.S. Department of Justice. The research advocates for an integrated approach to fraud prevention, combining theoretical insights with evidence-based strategies to protect organizational assets and integrity. It aims to advance academic discourse on employee fraud and concludes with a refined fraud model “Integrated Fraud Model (IFM)”, explaining fraud elements and their interplay in detail.</p> Shashank Agrawal Copyright (c) 2024 Shashank Agrawal Thu, 11 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0700 Leadership Challenges Impacting Employee Performance & Retention in the United States (US) Pharmaceutical Industry (Companies) <p>The pharmaceutical sector in the United States encounters a range of complex difficulties that have a substantial impact on worker performance and retention. The issues that give support to dimensions of management and have a significant effect on employee experiences and workforce productivity when performing relative tasks. This research employs qualitative research methodology to explore the complex intricacies of leadership difficulties within the pharmaceutical industry.<br>The area of this research relies on the fundamental principles of qualitative research, which places a strong emphasis on conducting a thorough investigation into the experiences, viewpoints, and behaviors of those who participate in the pharmaceutical sector. The data gathering process was completed through a questionnaire guide and the instruments used were semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions, and analyzing current literature. These instruments are strategically used to gather valuable and contextually significant information from workers, executives, HR experts, and other key stakeholders.</p> <p>The targeted demographic consists of persons who are actively engaged in the pharmaceutical sector, including workers at different hierarchical positions, human resources professionals, and organizational leaders. The approach of purposive sampling has been used to allow researchers to deliberately choose participants who possess the necessary information and viewpoints to effectively address the goals of this research.<br>The main objective of this research is to give insights into the challenges faced by leaders and management in the pharmaceutical industry and the effect these challenges have on the performance and retention of staff. The results provide a holistic comprehension of the intricate dynamics in operation. The study instrument functions as a tool to uncover the complex nature of leadership difficulties and their impact on the pharmaceutical industry.<br>This study has the potential to provide significant insights for both academic researchers and industry professionals. This study uses a qualitative approach to analyze leadership problems to enhance comprehension of their effects on employee outcomes, as well as the subsequent influence on talent retention and performance in the pharmaceutical sector of the United States. The major aim of this study is to give insights into techniques and interventions that may effectively improve leadership practices and promote employee well-being in this crucial industry.</p> Ivan Ross Blacksmith Copyright (c) 2024 Ivan Ross Blacksmith Tue, 09 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0700 Harmony Within the New Digital Paradigm: Management of Human Factors and Balance Between New and Legacy Practices <p>Digitalization has become a central topic within societies and organizations, being described as a new paradigm or as the fourth industrial revolution. This is a change taking place at many layers, including social, economic, private and public layers that is impacting people’s needs, behaviour and expectations. The impact has been so profound that even the markets and industries are shifting, and organizations are finding themselves in extremely fast-changing environments where the competition is greater than ever and where the customers are demanding and behaving in a different way than before.<br>The purpose of this research is to place the management of the reaction of the people involved in change due to digitalization as a central moderating factor that can have a direct positive impact on these processes, being a main enabler. Reactions will be different, depending on many variables such as the people perception, knowledge and understanding but, by placing the management of their reaction at the center and by proactively addressing it, that expected resistance can be brought to significantly lower levels. This thesis aims to show that the human variable is such a central piece in digital transformation processes that the success of them can be directly dependent on it.<br>The research was performed doing a sistematic literature review together with a measurement instrument in the form of a comprehensive survey that was filled by one-hundred and thirty-four respondents across the globe and from many industries.<br>Based on this research, it is important to understand that the environment in which organizations operate is fast and ever-changing. There are constantly new ways of doing things, new technologies and frameworks that could be implemented, new strategies to be explored, etc. What is not different is the need for change with its human centricity. This is just the beginning of this new digital era and there are many more transformational processes coming our way. Regardless of their shape or form, it is critical to be not only relying on traditional pillars such as technology, culture and human resources, but to also include change management practices and human behavior.</p> Camila Calcagno Copyright (c) 2024 Camila Calcagno Tue, 09 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0700 The Impact of Leadership Style on Company’s Performance in the Automobile Painting and Moulding Sector in Maharashtra State of India <p>Performance of organizations is related to the profitability of the organizations in terms of its growth and profit both in long and short term. In business organizations, investors and businessmen desire and endeavor to ensure that their organizations perform well to earn more profit, grow fast and achieve competitive edge in the industry. In the global competitive environment effective leadership style is necessary to reduce the business losses and proper resource utilization. For organizations to perform well, apart from tangible and intangible resources, effective and dynamic leadership is a pre requisite. If the basis leadership concept and attitude towards work is not up to the mark eventually it will affect organizational goal productivity. It will not only hamper the productivity but also the performance of productivity. Though most of the researchers in the past agreed that leadership style has relationship with organizational performance but there are some who did not support this view, hence, an ambiguity exists. To address this confusion, the researchers studied the types/styles of leadership and the leadership styles of different leaders of various organizations in India and examined their impact on organizational performance. There are three main leadership styles; transformational, transactional and laissez faire leadership styles. While the first two have a positive but different level of impact, the third one has a negative impact on organizational performance. The research also describes the performance of the organizations in service sector because of the good leadership qualities. The basic objective of the present study is to study the role of leadership characteristics on organizational performance. Therefore, the prime agenda of the research study is, how leadership behavior is directly proportional to organizational performance. A quantitative study was conducted by using a questionnaire filled from various leaders of manufacturing and service organizations. Results of the study found that though the most suited style of leadership is transformational one but in new and growing organizations transactional leadership style may be more productive, while in certain circumstances though limited and for a short period, laissez faire style may be required. Hence, the leader might have to adopt a hybrid style of leadership style. Leadership style has a significant impact on the organizational performance.</p> Nandkishor Deore Copyright (c) 2024 Nandkishor Deore Tue, 09 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0700 Green Cloud Computing for Environmental Sustainability <p>Public and Private Cloud infrastructure is keep increasing considerably in datacenter electrical power consumption, which has become a serious issue. Datacenter energy use for cloud computing applications affects the environment and raises operating expenses. One major issue with the current trend of energy scarcity and climate change is the power consumption of datacenters. As a result, we need cloud computing solutions that respect the environment and use less energy. Elevated energy consumption leads to harmful carbon emissions and increased operating expenses, which reduce cloud providers' profit margins. Thus, energy saving solutions are very much needed to reduce cloud computing environmental effects. To improve such solutions, a comprehensive analysis of cloud computing's power efficiency is very much necessary.<br>With quick improvement and inevitable utilization of web and information advancement, Information Security has gotten to be the leading most challenging issues for various organizations. Security specialists and pros have been endeavoring troublesome to secure the computers, information and centralized orchestrate system. These security threats increase more when information is held outside the interior computing environment. Besides, IT businesses are as of late pushed by environment control to decrease the CO2 impression of information development system, era and shapes lines. Concurring to afterward experiences IT industry is able of making 4 % of carbon impression through their immense utilization of imperativeness.</p> Tirumala Chiranjeevulu Copyright (c) 2024 Tirumala Chiranjeevulu Tue, 09 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0700 Framework for Building India’s Indigenous Technology Product Development Leadership <p>The destiny of nations is intricately woven with their history, pivotal moments, and evolving factors. Despite India's rich past and recent strides in innovation, gaps persist in harnessing its potential for product development leadership. This research aims to bridge this divide by examining the challenges and opportunities facing Indian companies in achieving product innovation excellence.<br>The literature review highlights a scarcity of comprehensive studies on building sustainable product ecosystems in India, despite extensive research on related fields such as R&amp;D, software services, and manufacturing. While India boasts successes in software services, a disconnect exists between these achievements and local market needs. Additionally, challenges in sectors like electric vehicles (EVs) underscore the need for holistic approaches to product development.<br>To address these gaps, a mixed method approach combining qualitative and quantitative analysis is adopted. Qualitative methods include semi-structured discussions and interviews with industry experts, aimed to understand barriers and identify opportunities.</p> <p>A SWOT analysis aids in comprehensively assessing the challenges in electric scooter development and creation of a framework for positioning India as a global leader in this sector.<br>Findings reveal India's potential for indigenous manufacturing, strong domestic market preferences, and supportive government policies. However, challenges such as high initial costs and infrastructure limitations persist. Opportunities lie in technological advancements and growing market demand, while threats include import competition and regulatory uncertainties.<br>Through this research, India's transition from a service-oriented economy to an indigenous product innovation powerhouse is envisioned. By synthesizing insights from academia and industry, this study offers practical recommendations for policymakers, industry stakeholders, and researchers alike, paving the way for India's emergence as a global leader in product development.<br>Overall, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of India's product development landscape and offers strategic insights for driving sustainable growth and innovation in key sectors of electric vehicles</p> Mahesh Patil Copyright (c) 2024 Mahesh Patil Tue, 09 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0700 Sequential Mixed-Methods Study to Identify Factors Predicting Parental Preparedness for Introduction of Child Artificial Intelligence Literacy Initiatives in Primary Schools in the United Kingdom <p>This dissertation used Sequential exploratory and subsequently sequential explanatory approach to answer a single research question to assess various predictors of parents’ preparedness for introduction of Child Artificial Intelligence Literacy (CAIL) initiatives in primary grades in UK schools. Study 1 comprises of initial qualitative exploration of the research question and identifying key variables of interest to predict parental CAIL preparedness. Study 2 tests the hypotheses using quantitative survey. 438 parents of primary kids in the UK participated. The outcomes of quantitative study were then further explained through qualitative Study 3 where 5 qualitative interviews were conducted. Stakeholder collaboration (parent-child, parent-teacher), a new variable thus far not fully used to assess parents within research context was developed. Together innovativeness, attitudes, collaboration predicted parents preparedness for CAIL while concerns did not predict CAIL well. Overall, the study model used new adapted scales and developed a new scale to assess collaboration. The study is the first of its kind to assess predictors of preparedness for CAIL among parents in the UK and provides a model that can be used to further research preparedness for CAIL or other new technologies. The results will help inform policy, researchers, educators as well as developers and curriculum design for CAIL.<br>Key words: Artificial Intelligence literacy, parents, teachers, primary school, mixed-methods design, preparedness, attitudes, concerns, collaboration, innovativeness</p> Malini Nair Copyright (c) 2024 Malini Nair Tue, 09 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0700 Decoding Digital Culture Congruence in Canada and India <p>In this study, we delve into the multifaceted realm of marketing strategies employed by Over-the-top (OTT) platforms, focusing on Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Disney+ Hotstar in Canada and India. Our primary objective is to elucidate how these strategies contribute to expanding user bases and enhancing market penetration within these diverse geographical regions.<br>We set out several research objectives, including investigating the impact of influencer endorsements on digital marketing campaigns, contrasting personal preferences regarding digital marketing usage on OTT platforms, examining the frequency of adaptation of digital marketing plans by businesses in Canada and India, assessing the influence of modified digital marketing tactics on consumer streaming hours, and evaluating the digital consumption habits of audiences in India and Canada on behalf of broadcast companies.<br>My research questions aim to unravel the nuanced dynamics of user behaviour and preferences in the context of online video services, particularly among the millennial demographic in India and Canada. We explore the divergence in behavioural influences across borders and the impact of evolving marketing strategies, such as influencer marketing, cross-platform marketing, and personalised marketing, on millennial content consumption and behaviour patterns.<br>Adopting a descriptive methodology, I utilize a pre-designed questionnaire to investigate consumer preferences and time allocation for OTT content consumption among millennials. Ethical considerations remain paramount, with measures in place to ensure informed consent, confidentiality, and the protection of participant rights. Additionally, I employ thematic analysis as a qualitative method to interpret the gathered data, allowing for a deeper understanding of participants' perspectives and experiences.<br>In conclusion, this study contributes to the ongoing discourse surrounding the impact of OTT services on millennials while shedding light on the intricate interplay between marketing strategies and user behaviour. The findings offer valuable insights that can inform both academic understanding and practical application in the ever-evolving landscape of digital entertainment and marketing.</p> Naveeda Rameez Copyright (c) 2024 Naveeda Rameez Tue, 09 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0700 A Study to Investigate the Barriers of Implementing Sustainable Procurement in the Chemical Industry <p>The aim of this dissertation is to explore and analyse the challenges encountered by chemical industries during the implementation of sustainable procurement practices. The chemical industry plays a pivotal role in global economic development. However, it is also one of the major contributors to environmental pollution and social issues goals face challenges in transitioning towards sustainable procurement practices. In recent years, the concept of sustainable procurement has gained significant attention to address these challenges. This research aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of sustainable procurement and its implementation in the chemical industry. It explores the importance, benefits, challenges, and best practices associated with sustainable procurement, and offers insights into successful implementation strategies specifically tailored for the chemical industry. Through an extensive review of relevant literature, case studies, and expert insights, this dissertation aims to contribute to the knowledge base on sustainable procurement in the chemical industry. This dissertation examines these challenges, identifies potential solutions, and provide recommendations for the effective implementation of sustainable procurement in the chemical industry.</p> <p>This study uncovers some interesting aspect of the sustainable procurement in the chemical industry from the prospective of the procurement decision makers and the executives involved in the process. This study also highlights some of the important information regarding principles, importance and need of sustainable procurement along with the challenges and finally, the study suggests some recommendations based on the findings from the respondents.</p> Sakshi Goel Copyright (c) 2024 Sakshi Goel Tue, 09 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0700