Exploring the Impact of Decision-Variables on Digital Transformation


  • Anil Fernandes
  • Dr. Hemant Palivela


Every Enterprise Digital Transformation is unique and is influenced by its organizational environment. The execution and successful implementation of such a transformation depends on numerous factors that influence the desired outcomes. These decision factors or variables can have significant impact on accomplishing the overall Digital Enterprise Vision. By definition, the variables refer to any factors, such as resources, skills, enterprise digital strategy, governance, schedule and budget, which may prevent a transformation in achieving its envisioned goals. Successful execution and implementation of an Enterprise Digital Transformation relies on effective identification and management of the decision variables through strategic interventions combined with tactical interventions. While the strategic vision provides a global enterprise view and the overall execution & implementation strategy, tactical interventions will ensure timely decision making and timely risk mitigation. This research will explore and analyse the influence of ‘Enterprise Architecture’ on ‘Digital Transformation’.




How to Cite

Fernandes, A., & Palivela, D. H. (2024). Exploring the Impact of Decision-Variables on Digital Transformation. Global Journal of Business and Integral Security. Retrieved from https://www.gbis.ch/index.php/gbis/article/view/588